Gateway Elementary School Information and Homes for Sale Near Gateway Elementary in Travelers Rest, SC
School Overview
Gateway Elementary is located on Hawkins Road in Travelers Rest, serving students from 4K-5th Grades. It was first established in 1982 to accommodate the growth in the area.
Gateway Elementary has created successful community partnerships. Partnerships with community service organizations help project a positive public image and give students experience in providing service to the community.
Gateway Elementary is an award winning elementary school that provide a positive environment for its students. It has also been recognized by multiple awards and achievements for academic excellence over the years. These awards include Palmetto Gold and Silver Award. It also received a school letter grade of “A”. It currently holds a rating of 7 on
Are you looking to sell your home near Gateway Elementary? Get Free Estimated Home Value for Your Home NOW.
Homes for Sale Assigned to Gateway Elementary By Price
Browse our extensive Gateway Elementary School zoned real estate listings and find great deals and properties in Greenville and Travelers Rest including condos, townhomes, single-family homes, and more.
By narrowing down your search, you’ll have more time to learn about those homes that fit your price range. When you find a home near Gateway Elementary School that really piques your interest, just send us an email or call our buyer hotline at 864-881-1258.
10,000 – 100,000 | 300,000 – 400,000 | 600,000 – 700,000 |
100,000 – 200,000 | 400,000 – 500,000 | 700,000 – 800,000 |
200,000 – 300,000 | 500,000 – 600,000 | 800,000 – 900,000 |
Featured Communities Near Gateway Elementary
Every community or subdivision assigned to Gateway Elementary School in Travelers Rest, SC is unique in itself for various reasons. These subdivisions vary in price ranges, home features, and community amenities.
Below you will find our list of featured neighborhoods and subdivisions in Greenville and Travelers Rest to help you get started in finding a home near Gateway Elementary School. If you have any questions about any of these neighborhoods don’t hesitate to contact us.
Clearview Acres | Natures Watch | Briarwood Meadows |
Poplar Forest | Carronbridge | Pleasant Valley |
Woodland Creek | Northcliff | Cliffs Valley |