
Sunday, November 20 is the 24th Annual Arroyo Arts Discovery Tour

Industry Observer


  •  What: A self-guided auto tour featuring 80 artists in homes and studios in Highland Park, Mount Washington, Eagle Rock, Garvanza and Montecito Heights.
  •  When: Sunday, November 20, 9:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
  •  Where: Tour begins at AVE 50 Studios, 131 N Ave 50 , Los Angeles, CA 90042
  •  Cost: Tickets are $10 in advance; $15 on the day of the tour

Purchase tickets at: or in person at (1) Galco’s Old World Grocery, 5702 York Blvd., (2) Future Studios, 5558 N. Figueroa and (3) AVE 50 Studios, 131 N. AVE 50, all in Highland Park, 90042.

The Arroyo Arts Collective’s annual Discovery Tour will take place from 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Sunday, November 20, 2016.

Northeast Los Angeles (“NELA”) has historically been a magnet for artistic talent. The steady influx of new galleries, restaurants and boutiques, has given way to a higher creative energy which also crosses many cultures.

On November 20th, the Arroyo Arts Collective invites the entire NELA community to visit the homes and studios of the group of artists who make up the 2016 Discovery Tour! The eighty-strong assembly of artists ranging from emerging to established, and from fine artists to craftspeople, will open their doors to you as part of one of the oldest and most celebrated art tours in Los Angeles.

As a Tour participant, you get to see painting, drawing, mixed media, sculpture, jewelry, woodworking, and many other forms of artistic expression in a wide range of styles. On top of that, you get the rare chance to admire an array of historic homes and colorful art studios in this vibrant community. Whether you are a savvy art collector looking for an edgy addition, a new home owner looking for wall decor, a fashionista looking for a cool pair of earrings, or a holiday shopper looking for that one-of-a-kind gift: you will find it!

The Tour will start this year at the artistic staple in the heart of Highland Park, AVE 50 Studios where participants will receive a map and tour badge. Maps will be available beginning at 9:30 a.m., and homes and studios will open at 10:00 a.m.


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Cheryl Johnson