Twas the day after Thanksgiving and all through the house
Leftovers were plentiful for me and my spouse
The ham on our biscuit the turkey on bread
The Yams still delicious and kept us well fed
This day after Thanksgiving should all be for rest
There’s Football on TV I’ll crash and I’ll nest
Not so fast as she rattled my roost
Christmas is coming and it’s time to reboot
She threw open the shutters and looked upon me
Saying bring in that Santa, the lights and the tree
My eyes must have rolled to the top of my cap
Cause I felt a hard strike a pop and a snap
Get off the dang sofa and get into the garage
There’s boxes in the attic and don't forget Claus
So we turned off the TV and cranked up the tunes
The tree was unboxed and brought back to new
The wreath and the manger both found their spot
It’s looking like Christmas is not so far off
My bride is now happy and admit I am too
Cause Christmas is coming and decorations are through.
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