Ok, it’s confession time! I screwed up. Imagine that. I. Screwed. Up. Period. End of sentence. Done. I feel a little better getting that out but it doesn’t change much otherwise.
Here’s the deal. One of the goals I set for 2017 was to get back into the habit of blogging more consistently. So I started on January 1st and set a goal to post something everyday. January 1? Check. January 2? Check. January 3? Check. January 4? Nope, nada, zilch. WHAT??? Imagine my disappointment when I woke up this morning and realized that I hadn’t posted anything yesterday. How can that be? Seriously, it’s only four days into the goal, surely you haven’t gotten writer’s block already.
So what happened I asked myself? I thought back on my activities for the day. All day long I was FOCUSED on the fact that I needed to write. But the phone rang, a client stopped by, it was time for lunch, I had a meeting, the list goes on. But again I ask myself - how did you forget - you were focused on this accomplishment! It was important to me. It was on my TO DO LIST.
Then it hit me. While I was FOCUSED on the goal, I never ACTED on it. I didn’t take the time to write. On the days when I did post I recall that I did it first thing in the morning and checked it off the list because it was important. Pretty simple when you think about it. But how many of us go through the day with a TO DO LIST that we either don’t prioritize or that we do prioritize but don’t follow the plan.
Going forward - make a plan, prioritize what’s important and follow-thru.