Sometimes I will have a little fun posting on Trulia's Facebook, I don't write anything bad or obnoxious. But for an example, today the sponsored Trulia ad read, "Are you selling ?", "Get a free home price estimate." So I left the comment, "In my opinion, you can get much better service from a real person, call your local Real Estate broker". Does any one else do this ?
Well said Dan Wilkins Real people that can listen and provide real comparables not computerized mumbo jumbo. A Realtor.
Dan Wilkins
Everett, WA
A human being versus an AVM! Sounds like a great idea.
Roy Kelley
Gaithersburg, MD
Dan Wilkins
Everett, WA
I don't post anythig to lead gen sites. They already steal enough clients from me.
Roy Kelley
Gaithersburg, MD
Dan Wilkins
Everett, WA
I don't even visit those sites so I guess facebook doesn't show me the ads.
Roy Kelley
Gaithersburg, MD
Dan Wilkins
Everett, WA
I love it Dan!! HAHAHA What a novel idea! Call a REAL person, a real estate professional who can provide you with a detailed and much more accurate estiamate than any computer can provide....
Roy Kelley
Gaithersburg, MD
Dan Wilkins
Everett, WA
Dan Wilkins You most likely gave many at Trulia cause for pause, and a few chuckles. And the 'Battle' wages on!
Roy Kelley
Gaithersburg, MD
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Have an outstanding summer!