
My Two Biggest Takeaways Last Year

Industry Observer with Responsive Pest Control

Happy New Year to all of you! It appears several of you had great years. Congratulations!

Now that 2016 is over it's time to reflect back on what worked for you. Have you done that yet ?

Here are my two biggest  takeaways for 2016. And, yes, I had a  pretty good year and am expecting even greater things for 2017.

One, I became valuable. Whether you're self-employed or work for someone else, show value first. I personally did this by making a commitment to this business. Pest control may not be sexy  but we  are the best at what we do. I believe that without  a doubt!

Two, I did what was asked. Sure, I work for someone else so they like that I do what I am told. But you'd be surprised  what people are often asked to do and they  refuse or push back.

In my mind it's a simple proposition and hopefully a great start to the New Year. I'd love to  hear your stories. Do share. And be well!   .


Posted by

Paul McFadden

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Kathy Streib
Cypress, TX
Home Stager/Redesign

Hi Paul- you know, whatever anyone does for a living, it is so much better to do it well and to do what you are asked.  Pretty simple but not everyone follows what you do. 

Feb 06, 2017 07:46 PM
Paul McFadden
Responsive Pest Control - Seattle, WA
Pest Control, Seattle, WA.

Thanks Kathy! I had to be stubborn first and learn the hard way!

Feb 07, 2017 03:04 PM
Nick Vandekar, 610-203-4543
Realty ONE Group Advocates 484-237-2055 - Downingtown, PA
Selling the Main Line & Chester County

Always good to know what works and doesn't. I made a greater commitment to my blogging for 2017 and working on developing my niche within my blogging.

Mar 14, 2017 08:36 AM
Paul McFadden
Responsive Pest Control - Seattle, WA
Pest Control, Seattle, WA.

Good for you. I think it's important to always be learning

Mar 14, 2017 09:41 AM
Grant Schneider
Performance Development Strategies - Armonk, NY
Your Coach Helping You Create Successful Outcomes

Good Afternoon Paul - Glad that you had a great 2016.  I am sure the 2017 should be great.

Mar 14, 2017 11:11 AM
Paul McFadden
Responsive Pest Control - Seattle, WA
Pest Control, Seattle, WA.

Thanks Grant. To you as well!

Mar 14, 2017 11:14 AM
Endre Barath, Jr.
Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices California Properties - Beverly Hills, CA
Realtor - Los Angeles Home Sales 310.486.1002

Paul those are some great take aways, being successful is very important especially when you are your own boss:))Endre

Mar 31, 2017 10:46 PM
Paul McFadden
Responsive Pest Control - Seattle, WA
Pest Control, Seattle, WA.

Thanks Endre. I remember a sales consultant came to talk to us once. He said "Life is one beautiful journey". I was too young to understand the significance of that statement then. But now I get it. Be well!

Apr 01, 2017 10:27 AM
Evelyn Johnston
Friends & Neighbors Real Estate - Elkhart, IN
The People You Know, Like and Trust!

Reflecting on what did and did not work in your favor is how you improve yourself and your business. I am constantly relecting...

Apr 06, 2017 03:25 PM
Paul McFadden
Responsive Pest Control - Seattle, WA
Pest Control, Seattle, WA.

Thanks for sharing. Self improvement is the name of the game!

Apr 06, 2017 03:27 PM
Lou Ludwig
Ludwig & Associates - Boca Raton, FL
Designations Earned CRB, CRS, CIPS, GRI, SRES, TRC


Life is a life long learning curve.

Good luck and success.

Lou Ludwig

May 19, 2017 07:39 PM
Paul McFadden
Responsive Pest Control - Seattle, WA
Pest Control, Seattle, WA.

Indeed Lou. I'm just learning and loving that!

May 20, 2017 07:17 AM
Gabe Sanders
Real Estate of Florida specializing in Martin County Residential Homes, Condos and Land Sales - Stuart, FL
Stuart Florida Real Estate

Hi, Paul.  I hope your 2017 is shaping up to be a good one.

Jun 04, 2017 03:47 AM
Paul McFadden
Responsive Pest Control - Seattle, WA
Pest Control, Seattle, WA.

Yes Gabe. The year is progressing nicely. Hope yours is too!

Jun 04, 2017 08:28 PM
Grant Schneider
Performance Development Strategies - Armonk, NY
Your Coach Helping You Create Successful Outcomes

Good Morning Paul - glad to hear that your year is progressing nicely.  It is good that we are see much of that.

Jun 07, 2017 04:39 AM
Paul McFadden
Responsive Pest Control - Seattle, WA
Pest Control, Seattle, WA.

Thanks Grant. I hope  your year is going great too!

Jun 07, 2017 12:34 PM
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Savvy + Company (704) 491-3310 - Charlotte, NC

Good Evening, Paul!  Yes, making the commitment to surrender to your business and being the absolute best you can be is a sure-fired way to be successful! I hope that your January takeaways from 2016 have helped you further so far in the first half of 2017. 

I'm working on more organization and it's about to kill me because work is busy as well but, part of my 2016 goals was to get back to AR. So, I'm really been working diligently to be here each and every day...and that's slowing me down just a bit in the 'office' organization that I've been working on! I'll get there though!

Have a great weekend!

Jun 09, 2017 04:05 PM
Paul McFadden
Responsive Pest Control - Seattle, WA
Pest Control, Seattle, WA.

Good for you Debe. Stay focused!

Jun 10, 2017 02:23 PM
Patricia Feager
Flower Mound, TX

Paul McFadden - Wishing you success in getting rid of pesty pests and establishing business relationships that last a lifetime!

You asked - here's my story. Before I became a Real Estate Agent, I was traveling in NC. I stopped into a restaurant and the only other customers were a group of men, all sitting together at the same table. They were telling buggy stories that kept me entertained (I was the only other customer). I learned they were a Pest Company having a luncheon/business meeting. But the Waitress didn't think it was funny and she asked them to leave. I ended up leaving (by invitation) with the President of the Pest Company. It was best lunch I ever had!


Jul 07, 2017 09:35 AM
Paul McFadden
Responsive Pest Control - Seattle, WA
Pest Control, Seattle, WA.

Great story. Thanks for sharing!

Jul 07, 2017 12:23 PM