Happy New Year to all of you! It appears several of you had great years. Congratulations!
Now that 2016 is over it's time to reflect back on what worked for you. Have you done that yet ?
Here are my two biggest takeaways for 2016. And, yes, I had a pretty good year and am expecting even greater things for 2017.
One, I became valuable. Whether you're self-employed or work for someone else, show value first. I personally did this by making a commitment to this business. Pest control may not be sexy but we are the best at what we do. I believe that without a doubt!
Two, I did what was asked. Sure, I work for someone else so they like that I do what I am told. But you'd be surprised what people are often asked to do and they refuse or push back.
In my mind it's a simple proposition and hopefully a great start to the New Year. I'd love to hear your stories. Do share. And be well! .