
Restorations and Remediations

Home Builder with B/P Services Group, Inc

B/P Services Group, Inc performs restorations after smoke, fire or mold remediation.  We are a certified mold remediation contractor and handle the operation turn-key with a one-stop shop.  Sometimes, people use different contractors for the remediation and another for the restoration.  We can come in  after remediation completion and properly restore/rebuild your home as good if not better than it was before the damage occurred.

Contact us for a free estimate!  In Palm Beach 561-968-7663, In Broward 954-636-8366

A water leak can do damage beyond what is visible from the outside wall.  The interior studs, insulation and drywall can all be affected behind a water stain.  A shortcut can come back to haunt you down the road. 


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alisa bracksmayer
camelot funding - Long Beach, NY

i learned how problomatic mold can be the hard way. shortly after purchasing my condo i started getting very sick every 6 weeks. seriously, i could mark on my calander the day i finished my antibiotics and exactly 6 weeks later i would be sick again. my doctor ran every test he could think of. this went on for years. until one day my personal trainer told me about a news report he saw on a family  who were all seriously ill & mold turned out to be the culprit. it was difficult to find a company to run the tet on a condo, but someone at a firm that tests commercial properties took pity on me & ran the tests himself. bingo. i had the wall ripped out & rebuilt & havent been sick since.

May 08, 2008 03:57 AM
Anthony Lauria
B/P Services Group, Inc - Boynton Beach, FL
Renovation/Mold Remediation Contractor
I am very sorry to hear of this.  Most people don't take mold seriously.  Unless they get ill as you did.  We run run tests homes, condos and buildings.  It is imperative nowadays to have everything checked before you buy.  Yes mold is everywhere, but elevated levels should be taken care of immediately.  Good Luck!
May 08, 2008 04:24 AM