
Adventures in Photography....a beginning

Services for Real Estate Pros with Pro360 Virtual Tours and Photography

Earlier this week I was reading a blog by Sharon Yeary entitled "My Ignited Circuit" and it reminded me of why I am where I am today.  My husband and I provide virtual tours for real estate professionals and businesses in the Dallas - Fort Worth metroplex.  It has taken us a few years to get to this point.  My original idea for a photography business was to start an online photography directory and advertise our services there.   For fun I decided to write some stories of our travel adventures and highlight some of the photos from our journeys.  Eventually I planned on having a blog where people could share their Adventures in Photography, too.  Keep in mind, the photos are prior to my using any kind of photoshop techniques.  Click on a photo to enlarge.  Here is a portion of that initial story...



OCTOBER 30, 2005

Water, serenity... the trickle of a creek meandering through the woods, the sound of a rushing river, waves crashing on the beach, the swish of the water as a sailboat slices through the sea.... All of these sounds bring thoughts of peacefulness and tranquility.  Maybe this is why when I look around my home, 90% of the photos, art, etc... on my wall have some form of water.  How many of us feel drawn to the water?  The ocean, a lake, the river down the road.... This Adventure in Photography is dedicated to that amazing, life-giving substance that we cannot live without.   


            My husband, Michael, and I are taking a Labor Day Cruise of the Hawaiian islands aboard the Norwegian vessel "the Pride of America".  We arrive at my favorite place in the world, Kauai.  The oldest of all the Hawaiian islands has had centuries to develop the lush green foliage that presides here.  Kauai is a step back in time to the laid back days, no high-rise buildings, no crowded industrial centers.  The people here live a simple life, at one with nature.  

            We set out to explore the Wailua River on Kauai's east coast.  We come upon a scenic outlook and decide to take a peek.  It's Opaeka'a Falls.  One of the great things about Hawaii is that these scenic lookouts appear all over the island and each one is an incredible surprise along the way.   

          We continue in search of the optimum Kayak/canoe adventure.  Down the hill from Opaeka'a Falls we find a replica of the historic villages of ancient Hawaii. Hawaiians would set up along a river to provide fishing and water for their crops.  The huts are designed exactly as the ancient civilizations would have built. Can you imagine living here in this paradise that provides for all of your needs?  Here we decide to embark upon an outrigger canoe trip down the river to the Fern Grotto and Hidden Falls.   The canoe carries Michael and I, another couple and a guide for our trip down river.  After 10 minutes of paddling we arrive at the Fern Grotto.  We hike on a path through the forest for another 10 minutes. Our guide informs us about the lush vegetation along the way which I will include in another Adventures installment on Plants.   

          The Fern Grotto  is a sacred place in the Hawaiian culture.  It is naturally hollowed out of the volcanic cliffs and named for the ferns that grow all along the cliff.  In ancient times, people would come here to pray to the gods, it was used for ceremonies of all kinds.  Today many couples hold their wedding ceremony in this spiritual place.   

          Back to the canoe...a short distance brings us to our next stop.  Our guide exits the canoe and tells us to stay to the beaten down path, keep the river to our right on the way there and to our left on the way back.  It is about a 40 minute hike through the woods to arrive at Hidden Falls.   Once there we will have about an hour to spend for lunch or swimming in the pool at the base of the falls, then the hike back to the canoe.  The journey takes us through 3 streams and past a beautiful small waterfall  as we follow the rivers' path.  We have to watch our step as we traverse the jungle floor with its roots and mossy covered rocks.  I feel a sense of peacefulness as we travel through this enchanting forest.  We are surrounded by nature, pure and untainted by civilization.    I drink in the scenery, the scents and sounds of the river oasis.  The beauty of this place is indescribable.  Trees covered in vines, flowers like I have never seen before (plants Adventure coming soon).  I keep stopping to take photos along the way and have to run to catch up with the group.   




For the entire story you can go to my Adventures in Photography page. 

I truly believe we have found the perfect business, even back then my focus was on landscape and structures in my photography.  Helping people to highlight the beauty of their homes or businesses fits with what I love to do.  I also provide text editing of scene descriptions for my clients.  I hope you enjoyed the story.  I am still contemplating my "Adventures" Blog.  What do you think?  I would love to here about some of your adventures....

 Lisa Castro

Pro 360 Virtual Tours and Photography

a Real Tour Vision Dealer in Dallas - Fort Worth Metroplex