
What's in a Real Estate name

Services for Real Estate Pros

For a majority of Realtors, to be buoyant enough to start a team of their own is an exhilarating accomplishment in their career. That being said, with that thrill comes pressure and scruples. Granted you are aware of how to acquire deals, and close those deals after generating leads. Creating an awesome, logos or real estate team names is not a skill held by most Realtors. That is not to say realtors aren't creative, talents just shine elsewhere. 

Thankfully Fit Small Business has produced a great article to show how you can test a real estate team name, the legal and ethical considerations when you are naming your team, six ways to choose the right real estate name (with authentic examples included) and more. If you aren't in that creative midset or simply want some inspiration this article is definitely worth your time.  

real estate team names

William Feela
Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.

Name has a lot to do with confidence in the company.  Also easy to remember helps a lot.

Feb 15, 2017 11:20 AM
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Aug 03, 2017 04:39 PM