I was lucky enough to be able to attend an Active Rain event, instructed by Brad Andersohn Wednesday. Mike Frazier Owner/Broker of Carousel Realty was the host, he arranged for Brad to fly in from California. The class was about 5 hours long with a break for a delicious lunch. Next time I hope we can get a larger class room, but I think the class was larger than expected. I had no idea of the power of a blog, or the usefulness to my clients. Mike Frazier for some time has been trying to get me and his other agents on A.R. I know believe that this a powerful tool for my real estate Carree, and very beneficial for my clients. I look forward to sending leads and networking with the agents in the class. Realtors came from Georgia and Florida, I hope we can have future classes like this one.
Chris Conrad Carousel Realty 731-413-8420