Nothing like a personal assistant at your fingertips~! We all benefit from a little furry companionship during our work day~! This is my pal ROXY :)
I have 3 dogs and a cat who "help" me in my home office. Does Roxy sit on your keyboard when she wants attention? Our cat does.
Yes of course - and ends up typing some interesting things or deletes something~! She is also fascinated with the fax machine (not used much these days but she runs to it when it's faxing). End of the day she lays between me and the keyboard, blocking me from further work and that's when I turn it all off and play with her and the other kitties (we have 3 more.....a cat tribe~!).
Work is more fun with her around...........
Libby, what a joy to have this assistant. I love it when I am trying to do a mailing, and fur gets under the stamps!
You made my laugh Joan - that's EXACTLY how it happens, along with the little paw prints on my glass top desk and sometimes on the monitor screen too~! Just what ARE they doing when we're not looking?
What a fun post! I have my dog at my feet as I type this. She comes to my office daily. Sometimes when clients have their "moments," having my buddy with me keeps me calmer. This allows me to stay grounded to calm them down as well. Very few professions allow for this so it's definitely one of the perks of being a Realtor!!
Definitely a perk of having a home office to have your little friends with you~!
I have an agent friend who works from home and his cat loves to walk on the keyboard while he is working.
That is a cat's mission - to walk where no one has walked before.........
That furry friend in my profile has a permanent spot in our office. :-) Kasey