A room addition is something that is not for any contractor to take on. Room additions require much more attention to each task than new construction. Additions require matching and tying-in roof lines, floor elevations and finishes. What usually happens when not much thought is given to the contractor of choice is that items are missed, precautions and cleanliness of the home are sacrificed and homeowner is left with a cheap job that a contractor underbid to get the work with no intention of completing the work.
B/P Services Group, Inc takes that TLC into consideration for every job we perform. 99% of the time, our clients live in the home we are working on. We take all of these precautions into consideration BEFORE we begin....not after the customer complains. We like to be one step ahead and keep the client informed as to what to expect during the addition. Our approach to renovations and additions is unlike other "contractors" out there. The subcontractors we use have been with us for years. They know what to expect and respond to us immediately. We do not look for the lowest bidding subcontractor. Our relationships with our subcontractors give the owner an added sense of security knowing that we have everything under control.
Contact us and let us begin our relationship by having us build something spectacular for you!
In Palm Beach 561-968-7663 and In Broward 954-636-8366