Everybody likes information with out a price tag. So put your wallet away and get out those
pencils. We went out to find the best deals out there for the taking.
1: Free Samples
Let's face it...free stuff is the best stuff. You have to be careful
of free-product programs...your inbox may be flooded with ads or
there may be hidden fees. So read the fine print carefully.
Here's one Web site that connects manufacturers with consumers
who test products. That's http://www.startsampling.com/. You'll also want
to check out company Web sites directly like tide.com and olay.com
to sign up for discount coupons and new-product samples.
2: Free Phone Aid
We've all been charged for dialing 4-1-1, but now there's free
directory assistance. That number is 800-FREE-411. You will have to listen to a
few seconds of advertising. But you'll get your number at no charge.
And here's another handy phone tool...If you really want to get out
of a meeting...or a date, you can "receive" a fake call. Check out
popularitydialer.com. Set the time you need to receive the call and which excuse you want to
use ...(like the "return to the office" call), and voila! you'll receive a
"fake" call with a recorded message that demands you leave whatever you're
doing and go back to work.
3: Free Memory
If Post-its just aren't cutting it as your scheduling tool, there are
some free tools on the Web that can help. Check out memotome.com. You'll
never have to say a happy belated birthday again. Just put in your e-
mail, and program in the events and dates you need to be reminded of.
There's also birthdayalarm.com. Membership is free and you'll even get free
invites and party planning tools.
4: Free Books
If you're an avid reader, you may really love paperbackswap.com.
All you have to do is choose a book you'd like to read from a list
and you'll receive it in the mail.
At the same time, you list the books you want to get rid of. When
someone requests to read it, all you have to do is pop it in the
mail. You will have to pay for postage, but it's usually around $2.13.
5: Financial Planning
Before you invest in a financial planner, check out some of these
online tools. To figure out how much you'll need in retirement, check
out this calculator. All you have to do is punch in some basic info
about your income and savings. If you want to take a peek inside your
portfolio to see how your funds are doing, Morningstar.com has a great tool on
its Web site called Instant X-ray.