FHA Mortgage Loan Livingston Parish, LA
Looking for an FHA Loan in Livingston Parish? How can I help?
The Federal Housing Administration (FHA) provides Mortgage Insurance on Mortgage Loans made by approved lenders. Being that the Mortgage Insurance is Federally backed, lenders can offer very low rates... Even to those with very little to put down and might have low credit scores.
You can buy a home in Livingston Parish for 3.5% down using an FHA insured, 30yr Fixed Rate loan.
Maximum loan amounts at the time of this article is $275,665
Are you interested in seeing if you qualify for a Federally backed FHA Mortgage? Give me a call. I can be reached most times day/night/weekends.
Think you might not qualify? Bring me a credit report and let me coach you on how to improve your credit so you can own a home.
Basic qualifications:
1. 2yrs work history in the same line of work(can be multiple jobs)
2. Decent credit. Clean the last 12 months
3. Charged off accounts and collections do not need to be paid off to qualify
4. Money for down payment and closing costs(can be a gift from a family member)
If you would like to talk about your job/credit history.
Please call Tom Burris... 214-763-4629 cell/text/nights/weekends
I lend across the entire State of Louisiana and Texas too!!