
New Home Communities in Shawnee KS

Real Estate Agent with Prime Development Land CO LLC

New home subdivisions in Shawnee KS

Greater Kansas City, especially Johnson County, KS, has been experiencing a severe drought in housing inventory. (If you, or someone you know,  are ready to sell PLEASE call me 913-908-2215). To compensate for the lack of existing home inventory, the builders and developers have been increasing their production (and pricing) of new homes. Although there are almost no first time home buyer type homes, 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath, 2 car garage, there are a plethora of 1st time and 2nd time move up homes available.

Here is a list of the current new home communities with inventory for Shawnee KS

If you are interested in looking at or purchasing a new home, make sure that you have a qualified Buyer Agent looking out for YOUR interests.


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Belinda Spillman
Optician - Aurora, CO
Colorado Living!

I understand your frustration with inventory.  We are at a 32 year low!  These new communities must be very popular in Shawnee.

Mar 09, 2017 09:14 AM
Ken Jansen
Prime Development Land CO LLC - Overland Park, KS
REALTOR, CRS, 913.908.2215

Yes - there are very few choices for home buyers right now in the under 500K market, which is the vast majority of buyers here. It is hard for the buyers as they are starting to feel a litte desparate to find something. My partner and I;s last listing had 11 offers in 36 hours. The price was bid up, which is great for our sellers. I wish I had 10 more homes just like it!

Mar 09, 2017 10:52 AM
Joan Cox
House to Home, Inc. - Denver Real Estate - 720-231-6373 - Denver, CO
Denver Real Estate - Selling One Home at a Time

Ken, buyers love new homes, and great post for buyers looking in Shawnee.

Mar 09, 2017 11:48 AM
Ken Jansen
Prime Development Land CO LLC - Overland Park, KS
REALTOR, CRS, 913.908.2215

Thanks Joan, I appreciate it.

Mar 20, 2017 06:06 AM