Clean means different things to different people. When selling, you really need to take it to the extreme, because they are really looking at your home from all angles. Literally. Here are some things to double-check:
Tall people-
• Dusty ceiling fans
• Top of fridge
• Tops of framed art and TV's
• Dusty Items on top shelves
Short people-
• Bottom vent on the front of the fridge
• Under sofas and furniture with raised legs
• Pedestal table bases
• Window sills
• Toekick area under lower cabinets
• Toilet rims
Everyone (medium people)-
• Piles of newspapers/magazines/mail
• Dirty windows/mirrors
• Icky Caulk around the tub
• Finger schmutz around light switches and doorknobs
• Oogie shower curtains
• Toilet plunger next to toilet
• Dusty toilet roll holders
Other things to consider are:
• Cabinets that don't shut all the way
• Dead or half-dead potted plants on porch
• That one end table with the remote/Kleenex/reading glasses/sinus spray
• All the dumb junk in the spare bedroom
Put all that extra stuff in the car in your driveway that hasn't started in 6 months, and go ahead and push it to your neighbor's driveway, for a poor man's solution to renting a pod. Conversely, you can hire a professional cleaning service and go to the movies instead. And hire a stager who knows what they are doing to portray your home with a more mainstream lifestyle aesthetic that buyers would want to make an offer on. Now your house is show-ready! Feel free to add any other items/solutions I've missed in the comments.
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