This just in Q1 2017 Burlington MA Average Price: $609,595 a 21.7 % gain from $500,917 in Q1 2016 Median Sales Price is up from $447,500 in Q1 2016 to $515,000 in Q1 2017 a 15% increase …..this is largely to low inventory and a lack of supply. Many are paying over asking for homes in Burlington MA. Home prices in an area continuously fluctuate. The average price of homes closed offers a good overview of the market. Additional statistics such as the low, median, and high selling prices provide additional helpful information. The Burlington MA single family prices of homes sold for 1st quarter 2017 below include trends for the last several years.
Single Family Real Estate Prices for Burlington MA – 1st Quarter
Average Sale Price
Click here for all graphics and data back to 2012 Q1 - 2017 Q1 for Burlington MA Real Estate
The average selling price in Burlington MA for the 1st quarter decreased -2.39% from $513,170 (in 2015) to $500,917 (in 2016). This after it increased 13.39% from $452,570 (in 2014) to $513,170 (in 2015).
Just in: Q1 2017 Average Sales Price is $609,595 up from $500,917 in Q1 2016 , that is a 21.7% increase in the past year ! (not in graphic yet, the system will update sometime this month)
****Update Q1 2017 Average Sales Price is $609,595 up from $500,917 in Q1 2016 , that is a 21.7% increase****
Low-end Selling Price of Homes Sold
Click here for all graphics and data back to 2012 Q1 - 2017 Q1 for Burlington MA Real Estate
The lowest sale price in Burlington MA for the 1st quarter decreased -1.96% from $255,000 (in 2015) to $250,000 (in 2016). During the prior period, it decreased -0.97% from $257,500 (in 2014) to $255,000 (in 2015). Previous to that was a 93.61% change.
**Update Q1 2017 Lowest Sales Price is $325,000 up from $250,000 in Q1 2016 , that is a 30 % increase****
Median Sale Price
Click here for all graphics and data back to 2012 Q1 - 2017 Q1 for Burlington MA Real Estate
The median selling price in Burlington MA for the 1st quarter decreased -5.09% from $471,500 (in 2015) to $447,500 (in 2016). During the prior period, it increased 10.94% from $425,000 (in 2014) to $471,500 (in 2015). Before that was a 7.46% change.
****Update Q1 2017 Median Sales Price is $515,000 up from $447,500 in Q1 2016 , that is a 15 % increase****
****Update Q1 2017 Median Sales Price is $515,000 up from $447,500 in Q1 2016 , that is a 15 % increase****
Top Selling Price of Listings Sold
Click here for all graphics and data back to 2012 Q1 - 2017 Q1 for Burlington MA Real Estate
The highest selling price in Burlington MA for the 1st quarter increased 10.91% from $865,557 (in 2015) to $960,000 (in 2016). In the time frame before that, it increased 20.22% from $720,000 (in 2014) to $865,557 (in 2015). Before that was a 9.92% change.
Update Highest Sales Price for Burlington MA Q1 2017 is $1,100,000 up from $960,000 in Q1 2016 , that is a 14.6 % increase****
****Update Highest Sales Price for Burlington MA Q1 2017 is $1,100,000 up from $960,000 in Q1 2016 , that is a 14.6 % increase****
Burlington MA Single Family Prices Of Homes Sold For 1st Quarter 2017
This is unheard of growth year over year since 2011 for Burlington MA single family prices of homes sold in the 1st quarter of 2016. The increase in median and average prices is largely due the market having more buyers than there are homes to sell them (inventory) and many buyers are bidding against multiple offers that are over asking.
To view all single family homes available for sale in Burlington MA click here
To view all condos available for sale in Burlington MA click here
For information for neighboring neighborhoods, please contact Scott Strang, Realtor / Principal Broker at Scott Gregory Group by calling 978-664-2828 or emailing Note: These figures were pulled from third party sources including public records and the Mass. MLS Property Information Network, Inc. It is meant to provide a general overview of the real estate market, are not guaranteed accurate, and might not necessarily include every single family sold in Burlington.