
The Dollar Sale

Real Estate Agent with Max Broock Realtors

This makes me nuts!  In the Birmingham/Bloomfield market, after a transaction closes, many sales get logged into the MLS with a sales price of $ONE DOLLAR$.  OK, I can kind of see why some people would want this information kept privately.  Maybe they didn't get what they had hoped they'd get for their home.  Maybe they have nosey neighbors. I guess the reasons could be limitless.  However, you can go to the county office and look it up.  IT IS PUBLIC INFORMATION! 

In the beginning this practice became popular because the city assessor was very aggressive with property taxes.  Or at least that's what I've been told.  People thought that if they tried to keep this information secret, their taxes would remain lower.  It never works; eventually the system always catches up to you. 

Our MLS has even attempted to implement a rule that any agent requesting a transaction to be listed as a dollar sale must also send over a copy of the warranty deed showing a dollar sale price.  The problem is that they never issue fines to the people that fail to comply.  

What the local realtor community unwittingly did was create much, much more work for themselves.  Now every time I want to perform a CMA or market updates, I have to try to track down the agents who participated in the "dollar sale" and hope that they'll share the sales price.  I got wise about 3 years ago and started a dollar sales log.  I try to update it as often as possible.  This has made my life a bit easier....  But it's still a pain in the butt.

What adds insult to injury is that even in this soft market, there are still some pretty impressive sales happening.  In the past week there were 2 homes that would be considered "high watermark" sales.  The majority of the market will never know this because the sales were recorded as.... You guessed it ONE DOLLAR! 

I'm really starting to think we're our own worst enemies!

Mitchell J Hall
Manhattan, NY
Lic Associate RE Broker - Manhattan & Brooklyn

Sara, We have always had this problem in Manhattan until a new law passed 2 weeks ago.

Most of our properties are co-ops and they were always considered private and proprietary information for brokers who sold them.

Two weeks ago a new law became effective where the city now posts on their website sale prices of every property in NYC.

Many of the "old line" brokerages were against the new law. They didn't want anyone other then themselves to know the sale prices. "Everyone would know what a wealthy person paid for their home" Only certain brokers could get listings in certain buildings. I call it "snob appeal"

I would have to get comps the same way as you. Call the agent and ask and hopefully they tell me the truth.

I think transparency is better than secrecy for everyone.

Aug 23, 2006 04:55 AM
Sara Lipnitz
Max Broock Realtors - Birmingham, MI


I couldn't agree more.  Because our market, much like Manhatten (only on a much smaller scale) is predominately high-end, I think people buy into this elitist attitude.  How silly it really is.  I ended up emailing my entire office a copy of this blog post.  Hopefully, I can encourage people to stop making things so difficult.  Thank you for taking the time to respond to my post.  I really appreciate it.

Aug 23, 2006 05:23 AM
Maureen Francis
Coldwell Banker Weir Manuel - Bloomfield Hills, MI
Coldwell Banker Weir Manuel
Hah, We disagree.  I think dollar sales are great!  I am not kidding.  More on that one later, when I have time to write it up and link back to you...Be on the lookout.
Aug 23, 2006 07:29 AM
Sara Lipnitz
Max Broock Realtors - Birmingham, MI


If I remember correctly, you feel that the dollar sales price keeps the information from the "do it yourselfer"??  I'm waiting with baited breath for your blog post.  I think we're in very differnt camps on this one.  Have we ever disagreed??  I couldn't even type that with a straight face!

Aug 23, 2006 07:54 AM
"The Lovely Wife" The One And Only TLW.
President-Tutas Towne Realty, Inc. - Kissimmee, FL
Here in Florida I have found that the MLS does not enforce it's own guidelines. Having "served time" as a County Director for the Mid Florida Regional MLS it was one of my pet peeves! It all gets down to dollars and cents. Or nonsense if you will. Kum La Ka Lakka........................
Aug 24, 2006 11:26 AM