
Shaddox Hollow Trail - Hobbs State Park

Real Estate Agent with Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Journey EB00061541


AR State Parks - Shaddox Hollow Trail

Visiting this trail is a great outing for an individual or a group. It is one of 4 trails that are on Hobbs State Park. It features  disappearing and sinking streams, limestone bluffs , and spurs to the Beaver Lake shore line. The trail is named an early settler of the area,  Solomon Shaddox.


"The trailhead parking lot is located off Hwy. 303, approximately one mile from the intersection on the north side of Hwy. 12. The first 1/2 mile of this loop trail follows a ridgeline, providing an easy hike. The trail then descends into Shaddox Hollow. The descent is rather steep in places. The trail winds along the creek through stands of hardwoods and native Ozark vegetation. Some interesting limestone bluffs are found along this section. After progressing up the creek, the trail begins the climb back to the trailhead. This climb can be strenuous in places." from the AR State Parks Website, see map below




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Ron and Alexandra Seigel
Napa Consultants - Carpinteria, CA
Luxury Real Estate Branding, Marketing & Strategy


What a wonderful adventure to be had when one goes hiking at Shadow Hollow Trail.  I am intrigued by the disappearing and sinking streams.  I would love to see that.  Have a great Sunday.  A

May 13, 2017 04:06 PM