Our challenge for the month is to write a post discussing our strengths and weaknesses. Before writing my entry, I read through several articles and found a common theme resonating in others' posts; our strengths and weaknesses are the same. Being able to use a weakness and turn it into a positive ~ well, that's just what successful people do.
I read John Meussner's post Are Strengths Any Different Than Weaknesses? If you haven't read it, hop over there and check it out. John talks about his persistence being both a strength and a weakness; being persistent can and will make you successful, but it can lead to exhaustion if you don't take breaks and recharge every now and then.
Jon Kolsky wrote the following paragraph in his entry, Being The Best Version You Can Be!
"It is also important to understand that sometimes our strengths can also become our weaknesses. Example: I love to laugh and smile, which I believe is a strength I have. But too much laughing and smiling, especially when not appropriate can turn my strength into a weakness!
I also want to point out that just as it is important to build on natural talent to maximize strengths, it is also just as important to understand and improve on weaknesses, too. Both deserve much attention and in doing so should help us better achieve our highest potential."
For Candor & Integrity a double edged sword , read Endre Barath, Jr.'s insightful post. At times, I feel like Endre, that brutal honesty could cost a sale or two, but I'd rather my clients be informed of potential concerns than have a transaction blow up down the road, or worse yet, have a problem arise after closing that might have been avoided with complete candor.
So, what are MY strengths and weaknesses, you ask?
- I'm a procrastinator. That's a weakness, but since I work great under pressure (aka deadlines), it's also one of my strengths.
- I could do a better job of staying in touch with past clients. Sure, there's social media, but it isn't the same as a phone call, text, or personal visit.
- I won't be the first person in the office in the morning, but I could very well be the last one to leave at night. I work until the job is done. Fill me with coffee and I'm the Energizer Bunny.
- My desk is messy. My car is messy. Ok. I AM MESSY! If a messy desk is a sign of genius, then I am brilliant, and creative, and think out-of-the-box. That's a strength for my clients and soon-to-be clients. P.S.: I do wish I were better organized and tidy.
- My clients needs come first, sometimes to the detriment of my personal needs. This leads to another subject that will be discussed in a future post... balance. We ALL need to exercise balance in all aspects of our lives. Balance and moderation ~ something I strive for but seldom achieve. I'm an all-or-nothing kind of gal.
Our weaknesses can also be our greatest strengths. What are yours?
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