Frequently Asked Question #1
Frequently asked question number one is a pertinent Active Rain entry that is relevant to the Real Estate industry. Scroll down to see the entire blog.
Everybody wants to know why there is so much formality in buying a home. Why can't I make a verbal offer? Why do I need to be pre-approved? Why can't I make an offer and continue to look at homes until my deal is firm? These are but a few questions every agent hears with regularity.
I guess there is push back because consumers don't understand the process until they are educated. Every agent is first and foremost a source of information for their clients and needs to explain the process right up front so that their clients know they have a partner to help them through out the transaction.
The Internet has certainly changed the way business is done because everyone thinks they know the answers or can get them online. Unfortunately there is so much garbage to sift through and much of it is outdated or self serving.
Clients are best served by finding a skilled, patient and knowledgeable agent right up front so that they have a built in source to ask questions of. All real estate is local so believing random stuff online is dangerous and frankly not self serving. Even the best of sources is often filled with inaccuracies or incomplete information.
Even years ago I can recall clients who thought they knew all the answers. I always believed that if I didn't know more than my customer or client I wasn't the person to work with them. So the bottom line isalways the same: seek competent advice and once you find it stick with it until you are done.
No one can know everything about anything so the trick is to be careful and diligent in the beginning and find someone you feel good about and be fothcoming with them. Ready, set and get going.
PS I actually wrote this twice because after saving it the first time only the first paragraph was saved. Yep I'm bummed but I'll live.
When you think about real estate, it is time to focus. I have helped people for close to thirty years in all areas, and made the process not only simple but enjoyable. Why should you go it alone or settle for less? Call me and find a partner to help, direct and get you where you want to be.
Sheila Anderson
The Real Estate Whisperer...... Consultant, Trainer, Facilitator 732-715-1133