
Spirit Lake Idaho May 2017 Market Report!

Real Estate Broker/Owner with Idaho Real Homes LLC

Spirit Lake May market results held steady between the year with  12 sales for each  in May of 2017 and May of 2016.


May of 2017 Spirit Lake  had 12 property selling:


Seven home selling on City Lots .3 Acres or less averaging $129 per square foot - we did see a $180 per square foot one and a low of $70 per square foot to average that out.   Most of the new construction is running  $125 to $135 per square foot with one home selling at $169 per square foot that one was on a 3/4 of an acre lot.  Homes on a city lot are up about $8-$15 per square foot from last year.

1 home selling at $162 per square foot that one was on a 1-acre lot.  This one sale is up about $40 per square foot from last year.  That does appear to be the trend.

National Association Inventory of Homes Nationally
And then we have three homes selling on 10 acre lots averaging $152 per square foot that's taking into consideration one of those going for 182 per square foot and the other 2  selling at 141 and 135 per square foot respective.  Substantially higher than 2016.

2016 saw five home selling on  a city lot .35 Acres or less averaging $118 per square foot.
One manufactured home selling on a city lot average $88 per square foot.
2016 had six homes on  1-acre Lots averaging $129 per square foot.
3 homes on 5 acre lots averaging $136 per square foot
and one home on an 11 acres  averaging $109 per square foot

 As usual when you consider these numbers you want to take condition of home into consideration and location.  These numbers are created for you as an average and to give you a basic place to start.  If you would like a more precise number  please contact me for your own personal market analysis or you can request one here also.   My Home value.

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Michele Webler DB, ABR, CRS GRI, SRES :  Your Farm and Ranch Specialist

Idaho Real Homes LLC

Serving North Idaho Kootenai County and Eastern Washington Spokane County

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Michele Webler SKE Realty Group LLC