Tai Chi to Prevent Falls
In May, I wrote a blog “Preventing Falls in the Home” addressing the statistics that The National Council on Aging reports every 11 seconds an adult from age category of 65+ is treated in the emergency room due to a fall. Many of my real estate customers are searching homes for sale in Active Adult Communities in the St. Augustine area and so these statistics were of great significance to me. In researching ways to prevent these falls, I found it interesting that Tai Chi was mentioned by several medical organizations as beneficial in reducing the number of falls.
Harvard Medical School noted the benefits of improved balance and muscle tone with studies showing Tai Chi reducing falls in seniors by up to 45%. The National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) also released the conclusions of a 6-month trial by PubMed.gov on the effect of Tai Chi on older adults. In this study the risk of falls was decreased by 55%. With this kind of possible outcome, I believe I am ready to sign up for classes myself! Tai Chi is a series of slow, graceful movements which doesn’t appear to be physically demanding like a Zumba class would be. Proponents of Tai Chi focus on the improved balance which is the result of leg strength, flexibility, range of motion and reflexes. You can learn more about Tai Chi by watching this video made for Tai Chi beginners.
I searched for local Tai Chi classes in our Northeast Florida area that you can visit – you might just see me there!
Local Tai chi classes
Tai Chi St. Augustine
Old City Tai Chi (private lessons only)
Tai Chi social website for northeast Florida tai chi classes.
If you would like more information on homes for sale in Active Adult Communities in the St. Augustine area, please contact Carol at (904) 626-3483. You can also visit my website to find out more about my real estate services, read customer reviews, and get local information.