Front 9 at Harbour Pointe in Mukilteo Washington Homes Sold in June 2017
During the month of June 2017 one condominium in Front 9 that was listed in the Northwest Multiple Listing Service (NWMLS) was sold.
It is 12303 Harbour Pointe Boulevard #DD203, Mukilteo, Washington 98275. It has one bedroom and one bathroom. Its listing price was $169,900 and it sold for $173,000.
If you are thinking about selling or buying a condo in Front 9 or elsewhere in Mukilteo, Washington call the Aloha Kai Home Team today at 206-445-8034 for a free market analysis.
* Source: Northwest Multiple Listing Service (NWMLS.) The NWMLS did not compile or publish this information. Information is believed to be accurate but should not be relied upon without verification. Rule 192(c)iii.