Real estate has many different facets connected to it. Over the course of their Real Estate career, most Realtors can attest to the following statements:
Realtors make a lot of money/ Could be true, but most People don't realize the work ethic a Realtor needs to achieve this...
Realtors make their own hours/ true to some extent as we are self employed individuals, the realization is though, our Clients determine our work hours....
When selling a home you need to list higher than what it will actually sell for to allow for negotiating room/ my opinion- to some degree, but the closer you can list the home for what the market is indicating it will sell for, the better all the way around- means less time on the mkt, and the avoidance of the Realtor coming to the Seller and asking for a price reduction
There's no more 100% financing due to the mortgage crisis years back/I've heard this from consumers and I tell them that in fact there are a few out there that can be utilized. Obviously, money down is the better option all the way around, but 100% vehicles still exist...
There is a cost to a Consumer to hire a Realtor/fact is on the sell side there is but only if the property lists and sells, buyer representation side there is no cost as the Seller pays the commission of the buyer's Realtor...
First time Home Buyers have special financial programs available to them/ I've heard this numerous times, but to my knowledge,in Central Ct anyway,the mortgage opportunities are the same whether first time buyer or repeat, with the exception of course of FHA financing guidelines(typically used in a first time buyer situation)
I don't need an Attorney to represent me at a Closing as I want to save $/ there again, to the best of my knowledge, one is needed. In some states, it is not required, but I think even if it wasn't, I would suggest to the Client to at least consider it as I put it in the same category of an Inspection, not required, but money well spent....after all, its probably the biggest financial investment a person makes in a life time.
These are just a few that have commonly exposed themselves to me in my 17 yr career, I'm sure there are others, but hopefully they shed some light
Have a great Summer- Mid July already! goes quick-