
Recapitalize Real Estate to Support Working Capital and Growth

Mortgage and Lending with Wells Fargo Business Banking

Perhaps you have heard or read about the "inverted yield curve".  This situation has created significant opportunities to refinance debt at lower interest rates since mid to long term rates are lower than short term rates.  Allow me to elaborate.

Let's start with a few facts:

First, the current prime rate is 8.25%.

Second, the five and ten year US Treasury rates (as of 2/28/07) are 4.46% and 4.50%, respectively.

Third, a significant number of businesses have some level of permanent working capital support in the form outstandings on their line of credit.

OK, now let's look at this a little closer.  A number of companies have "permanent" or long term borrowings on their lines of credit.  This is a dollar figure that they may clean down to during the year, but never seem to be able to pay off.  These companies are usually paying a floating interest rate of Prime or Prime + something on the line of credit.  Therefore the rate they are paying is probably 8.25% or higher.  These companies may also own assets such as equipment or real estate that may not be fully leveraged.

Banks usually base interest rates for fixed term loans, such as commercial mortgages, as a certain percentage above the comparable US Treasury at the time of closing.  The average mark up is around 2% (unrated - non investment grade).  Given the facts listed above a 10 year fixed rate would equate to 6.50%.   

Therefore, if a company has the ability to increase the debt level on their real estate they can lock in a long term rate lower than the rate on their line of credit.  So why not try to term it out?

As an example, Company A has a $5 million line of credit with approximately $1 million in "permanent" borrowings on the line, and also owns a $2.66 million commercial building with a $1 million commercial mortgage.  By increasing the commercial mortgage to $2 million and paying down the line of credit to zero, they can save at least 1.75% on the amount converted from line to mortgage.  On top of that, if the company hasn't refinanced the commercial mortgage in the last five years they are probably paying a higher interest rate than the 6.50% in this illustration.

This is the beauty of the inverted yield curve.  TAKE ADVANTAGE OF IT WHILE YOU CAN!

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Arnold Williams
Arnold Fitger Williams - Los Angeles, CA
Good example of creative thinking! 
Mar 22, 2007 04:43 PM
Anthony Rogalski
Troy, MI

that is pretty cleaver thinking, are you familiar with Cost Segrigation, it would fit in perfectly.

Mar 23, 2007 04:39 AM
yanni raz

What Is Hard Money and How Will It Benefit You?


Have you heard the term "hard money," but you're not sure what it means? Perhaps you know what it is, but you're unsure where to find it. Hard money is financial backing from private investors in the form of a loan. It is one of the best ways to get a business project off the ground, but you have to know how to obtain it the proper way.


Hard money loans are often used for construction projects. Typically, the lender loans the money in stages. For example, let's say you own a plot of land and you want to develop it. A lender will agree to back you on the project. They will loan you a percentage of the money at the beginning of the project,more during the middle of the project and a final installment near the completion of the job.


Lenders often pay the contractor for their work directly. For instance, once your contractor completes the foundation of the new building, the lender pays them a specific amount directly. Then, when the electricians finish wiring the building, the lender pays them directly as well. All contractors receive their payments direct from the hard money lender.


Private investors often prefer this approach because it gives them greater control over their money and their investments. You don't have to be a big real estate mogul to get hard money from investors. Many investors are willing to support many different types of projects. Private investors will financially back projects like single family residences, condos, townhouses, apartment buildings, hotels, motels, office buildings and shopping centers. However, they will not usually invest in undeveloped land.


While hard money lenders are willing to loan to residential investors, they most frequently invest in commercial real estate. This is due to today's instability in the housing market. Commercial investments are simply a safer bet for recouping funds an investor puts into a project. Because of skyrocketing foreclosure rates in the modern housing market and property values dropping at record rates, there is considerably less risk involved for the investor in commercial projects.


Commercial real estate is a very competitive market, but hard money investors are willing to buy properties, remodel existing structures and even build new properties. The commercial real estate market is still alive and well. In fact, today's commercial market is very similar to the residential market that profited so many people just a few years ago.


Hard money lenders are still in the game. In fact, they are busier than ever because banks are making the lending process more exclusive than ever due to a record number of people defaulting on their loans. Knowing how the private lending process operates is half the battle when it comes to finding private investors for your commercial real estate project. With a little research and networking, you will find the perfect backer for the commercial real estate project of your dreams. The hard money for the project is out there; all you have to do is find it.

Aug 25, 2008 05:22 AM