Recently I read a post Missy Caulk wrote about how the government has a goal that by 2030 20% of our electricity will be generated from wind using windmills.
While I am glad that we are looking for natural resources to produce power. It disturbs me that we will forsake the beauty of a horizon by polluting it with windmills no matter how remote the location is.
While I am not a tree hugging extremist. I am a person that would like to manage better the way I live and use resources. And by doing so save some money.
I have a dream that some day my home will be totally self sufficient. Electricity will be solar power or another self sufficient source and water will come from a well.
You don't have to look very hard on the internet these days to find plans for using water in your vehicle to generating heat using water. Better for the environment and better for your pocket book in the long run.
This leads me to my original thought. While on utube the other day I ran across this clip. I'm sorry to say I have not yet figured out how to have the link directly in my post so until then you will have to access it the old fashioned way by clicking on this Free Energy Home Generator Zero point Energy off the Grid its just over 4 min long and I would love to hear what you have to say about it.
Thanks for listening,
Rob Baldwin Santa Clarita REALTOR®