Once I form a habit I can tend to be a bit obsessive about continuing. I blog daily. Period. I'm not one to take an excuse from myself for not blogging, and yes, that means sometimes I'm sitting at a keyboard late in the evening putting out one more blog post that I hope causes the phone to ring someday.
In the same vein, I've gotten it in my head that a flower picture a day posted on Facebook can make a difference. So for the last 44 days and counting, I've posted a flower picture on my personal Facebook page. It's a Speak Life approach and my personal antidote to all the political brawling. Those flowers are all from our home flower gardens, shot with my "ancient" cell phone. No special equipment or software, those photos are unfiltered, unaltered, uncropped, un-everything. They're 100% natural (as well as pixels can be). Some shots turn out better than I have any right to hope for and when they do, I see the ripple effect.
A Like here, a Share there and I'm reaching people that normally aren't in my sphere. Friends of friends, the ripple travels out of my sight. Drop another photo the next day and the ripples roll away from me to reach more unexpected destinations. My hope? That the pictures reach someone that needs an uplifting moment, a glimpse into the beauty of God's handiwork that is there for us to discover if we just open our eyes to see.
Being a dedicated blogger has the same effect. I'm writing to people that I both know and don't know. Dropping those blog post pebbles in the water, plink, plink, plunk, day after day. Keep doing it enough and the status quo is disturbed. Those "giants" that own page 1 don't see us coming, but here we come, a match here and a match there as home buyers and sellers query Google. Pick your topics wisely, develop a niche and steadily you become the agent that the public HAS to find because you're EVERYWHERE! And once they find you, your phone will ring more and more often.
Blogging might not be the quickest way to build your business, but if you work the ripple effect, write content that reaches others that have a need for it, you'll get the results you're after.
Until next Tuesday, just Ask An Ambassador if you need help!
Bill of Liz and Bill aka BLiz