Sixty 01 Bridle Trails in Redmond Washington Condos Sold in May 2017
During the month of May 2017 one condominium in Sixty 01 in Redmond Washington in Bridle Trails that was listed in the Northwest Multiple Listing Service (NWMLS) was sold.
It was 13838 NE 60th Street #159, Redmond, Washington 98052. This condo has one bedroom and one bathroom. Its listing price was $265,500 and it sold for $265,500.
At the date and time of this posting there is currently one condo for sale in Sixty 01 for $417,800. Call us today at 206-445-8034 for more information or for a private showing. This one will not last long.
Whether buying or selling a condo in Sixty 01, call the Aloha Kai Home Team at 206-445-8034 for a free market analysis.
* Source: Northwest Multiple Listing Service (NWMLS.) The NWMLS did not compile or publish this information. Information is believed to be accurate but should not be relied upon without verification. If your home is presently listed with a broker, this is not a solicitation of your listing or home. Rule 192(c)iii.