It's been over two years since I stopped working. And I can honestly say I don't miss it one bit. Because I am now blessed with one of the greatest gifts of all:
Blessed silence.
After years of the phone ringing day and night the quiet permeates my existence in a way that never seemed possible before. One cannot overstate the therapeutic benefits of time uninterrupted by the persistent clanging of text chimes and ring-tones.
Imagine being able to read without interference or to watch a television program in real time. It's a luxury that I never thought I could attain. I cannot think of one material thing that would be of greater value than my time!
If I feel the need for sound, I have my guitar at the ready. As you might imagine my playing proficiency on the instrument has multiplied many-fold in ways that I never thought possible while I was juggling clients and contracts!
There is something to be said for nothing!