I am so conflicted right now....feeling so blessed that our island was spared the wrath of Irma and heartbroken for my neighbors on St. Thomas, St. John, BVI and others. As folks are trying to find out about family and friends, please share any info you have about people who were on these islands....any word will be so appreciated by family and friends. There are still people missing....
This was my first time to go through a major hurricane so I would like to just share a little bit about my experience. Due to circumstances beyond our control, I found myself alone to prepare for what was the worst storm to ever come through the Caribbean. I was so blessed to have so many friends who came forward to help me install the shutters on our home and move heavy furniture inside...none of which I could have physically done by myself due to previous injuries. I was able to move all of my potted plants to safety inside as well.
As the storm got closer, my dog, Jake, and I hunkered down in our lower level apartment that offered optimal protection. The wind was howling like a freight train and the rain pounded against the metal shutters. I lost power and was thrown into total darkness....and I mean total darkness. I was nervous, then scared....and I have to admit, at one point petrified.
This is where I am so indebted to so many of my friends who kept texting me, calling me and emailing me throughout the night to check on me, and give me their love and support. I cannot tell you how much that meant to me and how much it helped me get through this very frightening experience. I love you so much. I am just now getting to the point where I can sleep.
Our focus needs to be on our neighbors and the grass root support on this island is amazing. Such community! Please keep pounding the national media so that our family and friends in the US Virgin Islands are not forgotten.
Love to you all and thank you for all that you did for me.