
Schools in Laramie, WY: Springcreek Elementary

Real Estate Broker/Owner with Live in Laramie Real Estate, Laramie, Wyoming WY #12296

Schools in Laramie, WY: Spring Creek Elementary

(Post 1 in a Series of 16)

Moving to Laramie?                     Already live in Laramie?               Moving to a different neighborhood? 

Have no fear!  All the schools in Laramie boast excellent reviews and acheivement data.  Laramie also has three free public schools of choice - Snowy Range Academy, Laramie Montessori and UW Lab school. Additionally, Rock River K - 12  accepts and transports students from Laramie.   When possible, the school district may issue boundary exceptions.  Want more information on how it all works? 

Ask us how:  Call Brenda at ( 3 0 7 ) 3 9 9 - 5 4 7 7  or Chelsea at ( 3 0 7 ) 7 6 1 - 1 2 3 1

                    at Live in Laramie Real Estate, your Laramie experts!

This series is to provide more information regarding each school as well as a snapshot of the boundary map for each school from:


Today's School:                          Springcreek Elementary

laramie wy spring creek elementary playground live in laramie real estate

Grades - K - 5                         #of students 2016-2017:  Kindergarten - 62               Third Grade - 59

                                                                                              First Grade - 46                   Fourth Grade - 49

                                                                                              Second Grade - 53               Fifth Grade - 64                                                                                                           

Location of the GATE (Gifted and Talented Education) Program for Grades 3 - 5

A screenshot  from the ACSD#1 site illustrating the Spring Creek Elementary neighborhood boundaries:


 Links to other School Posts:

Slade Elementary                     Centennial Elementary


Posted by

Brenda Whitman, Broker/Co-owner                                                Office Phone: 307.460.3298

Live in Laramie Real Estate                                                                Cell Phone: 307.399.5477

302 S 2nd Street, Suite 206                                                      E-mail:

Laramie, Wyoming  82070                                                       Office Website:

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Joan Cox
House to Home, Inc. - Denver Real Estate - 720-231-6373 - Denver, CO
Denver Real Estate - Selling One Home at a Time

Brenda, great post, and so many buyers research the schools prior to moving!  Excellent info.

Sep 19, 2017 07:34 PM
Brenda Whitman, Live in Laramie Real Estate
Live in Laramie Real Estate, Laramie, Wyoming - Laramie, WY
Broker/Co-Owner, Laramie, Wyoming

Thanks, Joan.  I finding it suprisingly difficult to find relevant and credible information online regarding the schools..... guess I will have to dig deeper : )

Sep 20, 2017 10:42 AM