
3 Ways to Use Your Time More Effectively

Education & Training with Buffini & Company

by Joe Niego


Time is an important—and limited—resource. Many agents spend their time trying to tackle every task that comes their way. They may feel they have to; if they’re self-employed, they’re responsible for all aspects of the business, from sales to accounting to marketing and more.

When you’re closing deals, generating new leads, and trying to cross everything off your to-do list, it may seem impossible to get everything done. And, the more successful you are as an agent, the longer your to-do list gets. New, unexpected tasks pop up each day and try to distract you from the most important tasks of the day. When you don’t cross everything off your list, it’s easy to feel frustrated. Top performers understand that while they have to manage all these hats, it’s not realistic to expect to get everything done. Instead of attempting the impossible, they’re intentional with their focus, identify their priorities and get help when they need it. Instead of trying to do everything, they focus on the most important tasks that drive their businesses.

Time block

Studies show the mind can only focus on a task for 60- to 90- minute intervals. Divide your day into blocks of an hour or so with 15-minute breaks in-between. Then, dedicate a block to handling unexpected tasks. When you know you’ll handle them at some point during the day, it frees you to focus on the tasks that matter. And, if nothing pops up during the day that requires your immediate attention, use the time for personal development.

This strategy also applies to returning calls and emails. Tell your clients and staff about the benefits of time-blocking, explaining that blocking your time allows you to give them your undivided attention. Instead of spending the first few hours of your day, and time throughout the day, returning calls and emails, schedule an hour in the morning and an hour in the afternoon to do these tasks instead. You’ll find you have more control over your time and others will begin to respect your time more as well.

Identify priorities

If you want to succeed in business, you have to work on your business, not just in it. Take control and invest your time and energy toward your goals and the tasks that will help you achieve them. When you look at your to-do list, what are your top two or three priorities; that is, what are the tasks that you absolutely have to get done that day. Once you’ve identified these, incorporate them into a time block. For example, lead generation is a top priority to grow your business; plan to spend an hour on it each day. Do you have to check in with your current buyers and sellers? Dedicate another hour to 90 minutes in your day calling and emailing them. When you’ve completed your top priorities for the day, then look at the rest of your list and choose the next important tasks.


Many of us think we can do it all. In reality, we can’t. As your business grows, hiring staff to take on some of the workload will free up your time to focus on the tasks that drive your business. As my business grew, I hired more agents and support staff so I could help more people and serve more clients.

Look through your list and see what you can outsource to an assistant or hire out. For example, if taxes are on your to-do list, hire a professional to handle them every year. If you need help getting your marketing items out on time, either have your assistant handle it or upgrade your Referral Maker PRO membership to have Buffini & Company send your personalized flyers and letters for you. Though each of these options costs money, they are sure to give you more time to grow and lead your business, which is priceless. An investment in your time is an investment in your business.

Speaking of investing in your business, we’re excited to launch the final Blitz of 2017—Finish Strong in October. This Blitz coincides with the social rhythm of the holiday season to help you get face-to-face with your clients. Registration has begun so be sure to sign up today.

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Big Block LPT Realty 858.232.8722 - La Jolla, CA
Coastal San Diego, Veteran's & Retirees Services

This has served me well.

Time block

Identify priorities


Jul 09, 2020 10:38 PM