Buyers Don't Blow your Chances of Getting a Bargain Price!
The real estate market is really improving and so the bargains will start to slow and then one day just disappear. Don't get caught waiting for the bottom of the market because I can guarantee you will miss that day. All you need to do is look at the numbers:
MARICOPA COUNTY Arizona - UP 14% from March in overall sales
PENDING SALES have increased steadily from February to March - 12%, 18% & 18% respectively
Look at these stories. Several realtors are in BIDDING wars raising prices on the West Side of Phoenix The realtors told me their buyers Lost OUT on several purchases because they only offered full price and a better offer came in. If the price is right there are buyers purchasing. One of my customers just lost a purchase on Wednesday because a better offer came in, on the same day, for full price. My customers thought they could bid lower than asking price and get a great deal. We still have bargains, get in while they are still around.
If you find the home you want now, you can buy it at a bargain price. Doesn't that seem fair enough? To find out more you can listen to my free recorded message 1-866-875-5008, want a free report on buying go to To get started right away email me at
Laura Kostyo, Broker at Star Team Realty and Broker at Celebrity Mortgage has been in real estate for over 20 years working and is experience in this cyclical market.