
To "feedback" or not to "feedback"

Real Estate Agent with Gordon Crawford Home Selling Team 7838217

Is it a realtor's responsibility to provide constructive feedback on properties that they have shown?


This weekend several of my listings were shown and I emailed realtors for their feedback.  Some responded with informative feedback.  Others replied, "Not for them" or "Not interested" and many didn't reply at all.


I go to great lengths to provide good feedback when I show properties.  Homeowners are very interested in what buyers and agents think.  Without constructive feedback, homeowners are baffled as to why their home isn't sell.


I'd love to hear your thoughts.

Posted by

Gordon Crawford

Gordon Crawford Home Selling Team

Keller Williams Realty Metropolitan

55 Madison Avenue

Morristown, NJ  07960

973 539-1120

973 714-3085

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Allie Angeloni
Long Realty - Oro Valley, AZ

Great Blog Gordon Crawford - I am in the same situation exactly!  I always ask for feedback from potential buyer's agents, and have a 50% return.  Some will reply with constructive comments, some with a one-liner just saying, 'nice house, liked another one better'.  Our seller is very interested in feedback and even though there are things that cannot be changed about a house, patterns can still occur where if enough comments are in one area that can be changed, that is food for thought.  I ask for comments the day after the house was shown, and wonder if sending a Survey out would be a turn-off or would there be more comments given to share.

Nov 23, 2017 06:50 AM
Jane Peters
Home Jane Realty - Los Angeles, CA
Los Angeles real estate concierge services

It is not usual here to provide feedback, especially since we are in a low inventory market so listing agents are inundated with buyers. Occasionally I will get a call from a listing agent to provide feedback, but we don't proactively give it.

Nov 24, 2017 11:39 AM
Sharon Tara
Sharon Tara Transformations - Portsmouth, NH
Retired New Hampshire Home Stager

I think it's important to leave feedback.

As a seller I appreciated hearing what the potential buyers thought.

As a buyer, if I have anything constructive to tell the sellers I would expect my agent to tell them through feedback.

Nov 26, 2017 06:45 PM
Will Hamm
Hamm Homes - Aurora, CO
"Where There's a Will, There's a Way!"

Hello,  I give feedback 90 % of the time but I see less and less agents giving feedback in our area.


Nov 28, 2017 08:56 AM
Debb Janes
Nature As Neighbors - Camas, WA
Put My Love of Nature At Work for You

We always ask for feedback and get it about 50% of the time. We offer feedback, when asked, 100% of the time. Being helpful and cooperative should be easy, but apparently to some, it's not. 

Dec 21, 2017 06:20 AM
Carla Freund
Keller Williams Preferred Realty - Raleigh, NC
NC Real Estate Transition & Relocation 919-602-848

Ugg, I could go on about this. It seems to be a topic of contention. I give feedback and it doesn't jeopardize my clients. People want to know and it makes us look unprofessional and lazy in the seller's eyes if we don't give feedback. It is so easy these days to at least say something.

Feb 08, 2018 06:38 AM
Gloria Todor
Premier Property Sales & Rentals - Springfield, PA
& Doug Durren (484) 431-3686 in SE PA

Gordon, Feedback is just part of the job in my opinion. It is always good for the seller to know why their house was ruled out.  And often sellers need to hear comments from other parties not just from their agents about things that could be stopping buyers from placing an offer.  

For those showing agents too busy....just focus on giving the reason their buyer ruled out the house, that is really the main answer a seller wants to hear.

Jun 22, 2018 01:06 PM
Dan Tabit
Keller Williams Bellevue - Sammamish, WA

If I have something constructive to offer, and I know my client has moved on, I try to. Sometimes I worry that if I offer something useful and my buyer wants the property, it may hurt our chances.  I had an extended conversation recently when an agent called and I felt the listing photos were misleading and hurting her clients.  She appreciated my suggestions, but not all do. 

I don't think its an obligation, but I think it's playing well in the sandbox together when we can. 

Jun 24, 2018 10:25 AM
Valeria Mola
SIB Realty - Miami, Sunny Isles Beach - Sunny Isles Beach, FL
305-607-0709 SIB Realty Condos for Sale and Rent

Feedback. Only if it is positive. It is my way. Or just to be polite and thanks for showing. 

How many of us reselling older outdated properties and the sellers would or could not do repairs?! Not you, not me, not sellers want to hear same story about the condition of the property... Say nothing or be positive! 

Jun 28, 2018 05:36 PM
Rose King
David Tracy Real Estate - Friendswood, TX
Friendswood / Pearland / Houston Bay Area

I always provide feedback, as I think it is a professional courtesy. My requests for feedback are sent out by the showing service, and most agents just do not respond. Probably less than half will reply. 

Jul 12, 2018 09:19 PM
Margaret Rome Baltimore 410-530-2400
HomeRome Realty 410-530-2400 - Pikesville, MD
Sell Your Home With Margaret Rome


Gordon Crawford   it's not showing agent's responsibility to provide and help set the listed price. I do think it is common courtesy to acknowlege you were in the property and if there were any real the doors were left unlocked when you arrived or there is a leak and the basement has water or the dog attacked the buyer..

My feedback..."Thank you for allowing us to show this property. It is not the right home for this buyer but I will keep it in mind for the future."

Aug 26, 2018 06:59 AM
Grant Schneider
Performance Development Strategies - Armonk, NY
Your Coach Helping You Create Successful Outcomes

Good morning Gordon -  I would agree with Ron and Alexandra Seigel that this is human nature in general.

Sep 10, 2018 09:44 AM
Jeff Dowler, CRS
eXp Realty of California, Inc. - Carlsbad, CA
The Southern California Relocation Dude

Hi Gordon

It can be a tough issue. Sometime the feedback is just not specific from the buyers although I try to help with the WHY whenever I can without making something up. What I dislike is sharing feedback with a listing agent and then getting criticized or made to feel like the issue is not legit.

I always try to provide feedback (but it's tough when I get asked a couple weeks later) and sure appreciate it, but it's not common.


Dec 05, 2018 07:48 AM
Arturo Rubio
L. A. Realty Services - Eastvale, CA
Residential Sales and Mortgages

I definitely request fee back on my listings. As you stated makes a difference when we pass on the feedback to the sellers. 

Feb 18, 2019 01:24 PM
Kat Palmiotti
eXp Commercial, Referral Divison - Kalispell, MT
Helping your Montana dreams take root

There are two trains of thought on feedback. I subscribe to the "yes, provide feedback" line of thinking. But I do tell sellers that many agents do not provide feedback, and the best feedback is always an offer. I have a listing now where about 80% of the agents have NOT provided input. I don't mind, but the seller does.

(You should write more! I see your last post is a few years old)

Feb 26, 2019 03:16 AM
Grant Schneider
Performance Development Strategies - Armonk, NY
Your Coach Helping You Create Successful Outcomes

Hi Gordon - interesting to see the back and forth.  I guess I would advocate honest polite feedback.

Mar 04, 2019 11:42 AM
Joan Cox
House to Home, Inc. - Denver Real Estate - 720-231-6373 - Denver, CO
Denver Real Estate - Selling One Home at a Time

Gordon, I think it is being courteous in our field to give feedback.   There are times I write something short and sweet.

Apr 03, 2019 03:22 PM
Grant Schneider
Performance Development Strategies - Armonk, NY
Your Coach Helping You Create Successful Outcomes

Good morning Gordon - just stopped by to thank you for commenting on my blog.  Hope you are having a great week.

Jul 29, 2019 05:50 AM
Georgie Hunter R(S) 58089
Hawai'i Life Real Estate Brokers - Haiku, HI
Maui Real Estate sales and lifestyle info

I like to give feedback whenever I'm asked for it, and I appreciate getting it too.

Sep 16, 2019 08:08 PM
Lawrence "Larry" & Sheila Agranoff. Cell: 631-805-4400
The Top Team @ Charles Rutenberg Realty 255 Executive Dr, Plainview NY 11803 - Plainview, NY
Long Island Condo and Home Specialists

I too don't understand why some agents can't be bothered giving feedback, especially when you ask for it.'s the right thing to do!

Nov 19, 2019 08:40 AM