
Facts From Around The Water Cooler Part 1

Services for Real Estate Pros with Eco Mountain Water, LLC

The most important essential element for our health and very survival is also the most ignored. WATER
Water-related disease is the number one cause of death and responsible for 80 percent of illness worldwide.

Industrial and natural contamination of our water supplies is increasing at an alarming rate.
The experts agree that our public water supplies remain unprotected and are vulnerable to attack at any time.

Take a moment each day to examine the liquids (Clear) pre 5 o'clock that is and try to remember that your health depends on it.

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Jimmy McCall - Cunningham, TN
The Ex-Mortgage Consultant

Casey,  Thank you for looking out for our health.  I guess you are up to date on the plastic water bottle situation?

May 16, 2008 12:33 PM
Jimmy McCall

Thanks for the comment Jimmy

I am some what up to date but as fast as this new Technology comes down the pipe  it is a full time job just trying to keep up with it .

There are several Mfg's of bottle-less water coolers now with the filtration built in to the unit .

No more bottles to lift and wait for deliveries, you never run out and it also requires no drain.

If your company has bottled water delivered youcould save some money by looking into one of these.

May 16, 2008 05:36 PM