Is your tap water really that bad or are we just being paranoid?
Clean water is one of the most important needs of our bodies. It is a sad fact that something as essential to life as clean drinking water can no longer be granted to us. Unsafe water is not just a third world problem. In fact, safe drinking water is even harder to find especially in industrially developed countries such as the U.S.
According to research articles and news, most tap and well water in the U.S. now are not safe for drinking due to heavy industrial and environmental pollution. We have reached a point that, most sources of our drinking water, including municipal water systems, wells, lakes, rivers, and even glaciers, contain some level of contamination.
Contaminants range from naturally-occurring minerals to man-made chemicals and by-products. While many contaminants are found at levels not enough not to cause immediate discomforts or sicknesses , it is proven that even low-level exposure to many common contaminants can, over time, cause severe illness including liver damage, cancer, and other serious ailments. Even the chemicals commonly used to treat municipal water supplies such as chlorine , ammonia and fluoride are toxic and are known to have significant adverse effects on the human body