Home Prices in Alpine CA for November 2017
Real estate market data for Alpine, California provided by Rachell Lara of A List Properties powered by eXp Realty.
Call 619-316-7445 if you would like more detailed market information specific to your neighborhood.
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Alpine Home Prices
We have seen a month of selling price increases for sold home prices in Alpine. If you are considering buying a home you can find deals on a house in Alpine. Working with a good real estate agent who understands the market is a must. Don’t wait on the sidelines for too long, many of our listings are starting to sell within a few days of hitting the market. As you can see from the graph below, listings are not selling exactly for asking price. To make sure you don't overpay for your home, you'll want to have an agent that does a thorough market analysis of the Alpine home on which you are making an offer.
If you are interested in how much current inventory is on the market in Alpine you can find that information by clicking on the link. Alpine is currently at record low inventory. The lowest in fact, in over 10 years. Currently, in this area of Alpine, homes have a median time of 42 days on the market before they sell. While some are selling as fast as 3 days. What makes the difference? Pricing & Marketing Strategy. Sellers should make sure to price their home near the market value if they expect to get an offer from one of those interested buyers.
Alpine Real Estate Report Summary
The median list price in November for single family homes in Alpine (91901) is $631,060. The list prices decreased from the previous month.
The number of active listings in Alpine (91901) decreased by 25.3% from the previous month.
Find Homes for Sale in Alpine CA
Visit my website to search for homes in Alpine or to be notified when Alpine homes come on the market.
To find out what your home is worth in the current market email me or call 619-316-7445.
Thank you for reading about home prices in Alpine CA for November 2017.