by Joe Niego
Do you have a game plan for 2018? If you’re like most agents, you may not begin to think about it until January 1. However, if you want to be successful, don’t wait; now is the time to not only outline your plan, but also begin to put the pieces into action. Here are five strategies that are sure to help you change up your game and plan for a successful 2018.
- Change your mindset. Your mindset often determines your success. Adopt the givers-gain mindset and you’ll shower the clients in your database with attention, especially your top referring clients—your A+ and A clients. When you work by referral, your relationships with your clients drive your business. Continue to build those relationships by providing value and getting face-to-face with your best clients. Luckily, the holiday season is one of the best times of the year to get in touch with your clients. Deliver Pop-Bys, invite your best clients to dinner or invite them to a holiday client party.
- Commit to a system. Did you know your income is a trailing effect of the activities you do? If you want to increase your income, you have to increase your activities. You can do that by fully committing to a system, like the Work by Referral System. Try to direct 80 percent of your effort into the 20 percent of relationships, that is, your top referrers. While you should send your monthly marketing flyers to everyone in your database, go the extra mile for the A+, A, and B clients by calling them to follow up, deliver Pop-Bys and sending a personal note.
- Sharpen your skills. This time of year is also an ideal time to assess your skills and keep them sharp. The more you practice, the sharper your skills will become. So, practice your dialogues, prioritize your day and find ways to better manage yourself as well as provide value to your clients so you can lead your buyers and move your sellers.
- Adopt better habits. Many agents make the mistake of waiting until the New Year to change their habits. Change your habits now so you’ll have good habits in place when you start the year. Since habits are built through repetition, by the New Year, they’ll become automatic.
- Focus on personal development. The end of the year is a time of reflection. I take time out, as does Brian, to reflect on the year, analyze feedback and experiences, and create goals for the year ahead. One thing I always plan for is personal development, including seminars, books, podcasts and more. When you’re open to learning opportunities, you’ll have more opportunities for success.