Unfortunately my worst fears were realized today. Well, not my worst fears really, just a small one. No one came to the seminar I held today. No one, not even the people who had RSVP'd. I am not quit sure how to feel. Besides the obvious of utter let down. I worked hard preparing for this, spent a fair amount of time and money all for no return. I still feel the idea is valid and good. I now have a very well rehearsed and memorized listing script, so well in fact that it probably can't be called a script anymore.
We called the people who had RSVP'd and told them how sorry we were that they missed out and got permission to drop off some of the information, but they were all less than inviting.
I have no intention of quitting as I think this can be a great way to get to people, I just need to change something(s) to ensure results.
Thank you to all of you who have been sending me good luck wishes, especially Pam Bridges out in Tennessee. It helped more than I can tell you.
I will let you all know what I plan to do to change this around after I have had some time to think it through. In the mean time if you think of anything or have ideas, please let me know.
Thanks again