Part of the Reno home buying process should involve a home inspection at some point. Even brand new construction includes the potential for problems. Since you're investing so much of your hard earned money, you want to make sure your investment is as sturdy as possible. That's where the Reno home inspection comes into play. While an inspector looks at some things in your home, he/she may not uncover everything. When it comes to a Reno home inspection, you'll benefit from knowing what it does and does not cover.
Reno Home Inspection: What it Covers
While inspections vary from company to company, inspectors typically work off a checklist to ensure that important items don't get overlooked. They investigate for signs of possible structural issues (such as cracks in the foundation, uneven floors, and wood rot). They scan the roof for anywhere moisture may make its way inside. They also check out that the plumbing, electrical, and HVAC units work properly. This includes noting any potential fire hazards and leaks.
Reno Home Inspection: What it Doesn't Cover
While an inspector may scan for roof issues from the ground or eaves, they aren't required to actually go up on the roof to inspect it further. If they do see an issue, you may want to hire a roof inspector to come out and take a look. It's worth the added expense of an extra inspection. Problems with the roof could cost you thousands of dollars down the road. Also, they only need to make a visual inspection of the premises. If a problem lurks behind artwork or heavy furniture, it may go unnoticed. Insulation, the septic system, the hot tub/swimming pool, sprinklers, fire detectors, a detached shed, asbestos, and pests problems won't go on their report either. However, a good inspector will notate things they see that may warrant your further attention in these matters.
When a professional comes to do your Reno home inspection, make sure they have a checklist with them. No one can remember everything. The checklist acts as a reminder for the inspector so he doesn't miss anything.
Briana Sullivan, Relocation to Reno, your Reno real estate specialists
Originally posted on my Reno real estate blog here: