
I Can SEE THE LIGHT! Anchorage Alaska Gained 9 Whole Seconds

Real Estate Agent with Herrington & Company LLC 17435

First let me start off by saying that Anchorage Alaska does not suffer from total darkness, at any point of time during the year.  Our shortest day is 5 hours, 27 minutes and 50 seconds of daylight and I can say after living in Seattle for 15 years, Anchorage has reflective qualities. Meaning that snow reflects the light and our nights are never as dark as the nights I've experienced in Seattle or even Arizona. The flip side of that is if the clouds are out and it's ready to snow, you may not actually see the sun during that 5 hours, 27 minutes and 50 seconds.

During the winter we definitely move slower towards our daily routines. The darkness slows our progress...but we have turned the corner and I CAN SEE THE LIGHT! We will now start gaining daylight...very exciting. Although it might only be 9 seconds today, the increases will start to make a positive change in our attitudes and motivation. 

A little educational moment on Winter solstice darkness. The amount of daylight depends on your latitude, or distance from the equator. Brian Brettschneider an Alaska-based climatologist created a map that shows the daylight hours across the continent of North America, for the shortest day of the year.

After all of this you may ask, "why do you live there?". Santa Clause! He stops here first.
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Jon Zolsky
FunCoast Realty 386-405-4408 - Ponce Inlet, FL
your Daytona Condo Agent

We lived 14 years above the Arctic Circle in Russia. 95 miles from the Kara Sea. Right now there is no day at all. The first daylight is coming December 27 and the they will have a long day of 20 minutes and 40 seconds.

In reality, you will not see daylight, meaning that no, you wold not be able to read a newspaper unless you are under a lightpole. It is going to be quite gloomy, all lights would be on, and if you are working, you would not even notice that there was any day there for quite some time.

Yep, Florida is much nicer in this sense. We have daylight, and plenty, and we have warm weather, which is plenty... So I better stay here.

Dec 22, 2017 05:12 PM
William Feela
Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.

LOL, Yes I believe we wil see a second or 2 tops.

Dec 22, 2017 05:27 PM