An ActiveRain Challenge- January 2018
ActiveRain attracts some of the best of the best and therefore the wealth of knowledge about real estate is tremendous. I bet if we counted the years of experience, the totals would be in the tens of thousands. Face it, sometimes you guys make it look easy because you are so good.
As the markets across the country continue to improve and inventories shrink, the influx of new agents increases and we are again approaching record numbers of agents coming into the business. The cycle repeats itself. So what is it these agents need to know before they get into the business?
We are asking you to share what you learned along the way. You were all new once and can be a mentor of sorts to all these new agents entering the world of real estate. They need to enter with eyes wide open.
Here's the deal, answer all of the following questions in one post keeping in mind it may help a new agent from making the same mistakes you made.
- What do you wish you had known the very first year you were in the business that cost you lost business or income?
- Was there ever a time you questioned whether you had made the right choice of being a real estate agent? What events caused you to stick with it and succeed?
- What are 3 things you have learned along the way that have positively affected you and helped improve your real estate business?
There you have it. Share your thoughts, advice, and experiences to those thinking about a career in real estate. You may save them from getting on the wrong path or get them through a tough spot along the way.
All those that complete a post answering these questions, post a link in the comment section below. After the end of the contest period on January 31st at 11:59 PM Pacific Time, points will be added to all qualifying members in the amount of 1500 points sometime during the month of February.