When is the Best Time to place house on the Market?
It's cold and rainy here in Greenville SC as I'm writing this and snow is predicted again on Wednesday. This didn't stop one seller who needed to sell her home quick from listing it for sale this week. So far this seller has had 15 showings in 3 days.
In the past Winter was a difficult month to sell home but not anymore. In the Winter months we typically see the color Brown everywhere! Its gloomy and doesn't bring the house to life like green grass and flowers in the online photos. In the past I worked in New Home sales in a model show home and saw droves of people relocating in. December was an extremely busy month for homes that were completed for those who didn't have the time to build a home. Low Inventory is often seen in the winter months up til March/April so a seller can get more showings and often have an advantage early in the season. Inventory in the Greenville SC area has been low due to Buyer demand. If you have your home priced right and it also shows well ( meaning you've done your homework with your Realtor on items that need to be done around the house to have it show ready) then your home also should have many showings in this market.
Of Course many homeowners will prefer to wait until Spring when the flowers are popping with color and the Greenery has come back to life. This is ok too and Spring has always been the Best time of year for selling a home.
Call us if you have a need a desire to sell or just to find out what your home may be worth. Many homeowners are downsizing or buying a larger home with low interest rates and the strong pool of buyers. You may be surprised at how much your home value has increased since the down turn of the market years ago.
We offer a FREE market analysis to you!
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Sharon Bishop of Bishop Real Estate in Greenville SC
Serving Residential Home Sellers and Buyers as a Realtor for over 23 years in the Greenville SC and surrounding areas.