
SeaDoo Solen

Real Estate Agent with Carousel Realty

      I had my jetski stolen between 11:30 P.M. and 7:00 A.M. this morning. It i an White 1998 SeaDoo Jetski with trailer. It was sitting at Hwy 19 west and Grimes store road. 

If anyone knows anything about it, please call the Lauderdale County Sherrifs 731-635-1311

This is an older jetski so if you see one that is hiden or someone is acting strange,please let me or the police know.

  just want to warn people they might want to secure there items in there yard, It seems like people are stealing things here lately.

The Sherrifs dept came out and took a report, but I dont expect to ever see it again, but if I do it will be a blessing.



Chris Conrad

Carousel Realty 731-413-8420



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Andrew Baumbach
Homestead Realty Inc. - Milwaukee, WI
Greater Milwaukee Real Estate

What a bummer Chris. Older jet ski or not I'm sure it was still alot of fun to play with.

I hope you get it back, or hope your home owners insurance helps some.

Best of luck

May 19, 2008 04:54 AM
Shaun Wren

Good Luck. My father-in-law had someone steal a boat right out of his yard. Never to be seen again.

May 19, 2008 04:56 AM
The Entire Team of Price & Company Professionals
Price & Company Realty - Myrtle Beach, SC

I hate to hear that Chris.  I, too, was the victim of theft a few months back.  A utility trailer that I had left in front of my office for a couple days was stolen between 11pm Friday night and 8:00am Saturday morning - the very day I needed it to move my office!!  I hope you're able to get it back.

May 19, 2008 04:56 AM