If you are a buyer searching for homes on Zillow and you decide you will go with an agent from the profiles listed there, ask your agent if they are referring you to the lender best suited for your needs or if you are being referred to help them offset their exorbant monthly Zillow fees?
As a REALTOR our primary obligation is to you as our buyer or seller, not to a party that is helping us offset costs. When it is time to put your Indianapolis area home up for sale or to buy a home in the Indianapolis area, give me a call today. I will help make sure you are aligned with a lender that suits your credit and financial scenario, not my Zillow fees.
Buyers with top notch credit have access to lenders who might charge low closing costs-I have lender contacts for these scenarios and these buyers should be going to who can help best to serve them. Buyers with tricky credit scenarios need to be sent to loan officers with experience with those files. When you work with an honest and experienced agent, these are things you shouldn't have to worry about.
Zillow is genius at marketing to consumers, so there is nothing that can be done there other than to be educated as a buyer and know what type of agent you are getting ready to work with.