
Pot Luck Dinner Emerald Isle, NC

Real Estate Agent with Green Key Realty
Start Time: 6:30 PM
End Time:8:00 PM
All Emerald Isle people and guest are welcome to take a break from your regular routine and participate in our pot luck event. Please bring a pot luck dish of your choice. If you are interested in being on the supper club email list please email Tula Satterfield you may also call Mary Leohner at 255-354-6079.
Kathryn Gorham / Green Key Realty / Emerald Isle, North Carolina /
2010 President Women's Council of REALTORS® Crystal Coast Chapter cell · 252.354.2958 office
Southern Outer Banks NC | Crystal Coast NC | Coastal Carolina

FREE alerts of HOT properties in Emerald Isle NC HOT properties Emerald Isle NC, Kathryn Gorham

Copyright © 2017 by Kathryn Gorham, All Rights Reserved. Permission granted to re-blog or re-print with the stipulations that you do not alter the original content and that you provide a link back to this article in the re-blog or re-print. First printed at this article...Supper club of Emerald Isle NC is hosting a Toys for tots & story time