Keep Flushing Your Money Down the Toilet! Wait another year to Buy a House. A year from now the housing prices may have dropped and as the economy recovers the interest rates rise so look at this example.
Today Cost in 12 Months
$218,900 Typical House Price $197,010
Put 20% down and get a 30 year fixed rate mortgage If prices drop 10%
5.5% Interest Rate 6.0% Interest Rate
Sample Current Rate Market recover Rate Rise!
5.686% APR 6.203% APR
$994.31 Monthly Payment $994.94
Wait a year to buy and you end up savings NOTHING! and spend a year living in someone else's home. Do you feel ripped off? You should... Waiting will not save you anything.
If you find the home you want now, you can buy it at a bargain price. Doesn't that seem fair enough? To find out more you can listen to my free recorded message 1-866-875-5008, want a free report on buying go to To get started right away email me at
Laura Kostyo, Broker at Star Team Realty and Broker at Celebrity Mortgage has been in real estate for over 20 years working and is experience in this cyclical market.