Whether you're remodeling for yourself, or planning on selling in the near future, in today's buyer's market, in order for sellers to get top dollar, their homes need to be "current, clean and green." This year what buyers are interested in include housing with a "reduced carbon footprint", which basically means how energy efficient is the home. Huge outdoor living areas are in vogue, except on the coast, unless you have heat lamps. Fully concealed appliances in the kitchen, hidden behind hinged doors and drawers. Elevators are a must with the boomers coming of "old" age. Pet showers are needed in the garage, mud room, or outside along with human showers outside for beach residences. You thought whirlpool bath tubs were "the ultimate"? Well, not now, you need a free standing "bath throne," oversized soaker tub and while you're replacing that old fashioned whirlpool, you might as well add a flat screen TV and mini bar to the area, so you have something to do while you soak. On the "outs" are living rooms, or parlors, which are replaced with the great room; voluminous ceiling heights (maybe because of their massive waste of energy?); tiny balconies, where only one little chair can fit and McMansions are being pushed over for a "small is beautiful" attitude. Of course, some people's idea of small at 3500sqft, is a McMansion to some