
Home Health and Your Health

Real Estate Broker/Owner with Friends & Neighbors Real Estate RB14036506


Home Health and Your Health


Home construction is designed to be built "tight'. I am referring to leaks and air loss or air entry.


Windows and entry doors are sealed, usually by the house wrap, J channel strip, if vinyl sided, and epoxy caulk,or mortar if brick. This protects your most expensive investment and keeps rain, snow, gale force wind and both hot air in, in the winter, or icy cold air in, during the hot, hot summer. Not only that, but what about these factors:


  • Utility Costs
  • Seasonal Allergies
  • Auto Exhaust/fumes
  • Yard chemicals

Houses can still kind of/sort of breathe where the roof meets the sides of all outside walls. If things are done right...

  • Attic insulation pulled back 6 inches
  • Bathroom fans extend o outside wall
  • Roof Vents properly installed and operational

Hot air rises and can find their way up when the proper number of roof vents are installed and workers properly.


Why is this important to you?


  • It helps protect your home investment
  • Utility Bills will be lower
  • Home will stay warmer in Winter
  • Home will stay cooler in Summer
  • Home will be more comfortable



All of those reasons are valid. If your home has "hot" or "cold" spots in season, or even all year long, you may need a "home Audit" to see where you could improve your home.  Some utility companies offer this service as do independent business such as Pro Energy Audits and Mr Electric in Elkhart.


How Does All This Affect My Health?


Everything you do in your home stays in there.  When you spray bathroom spray, when you mop the floor or clean the counter or polish your furniture or wash you windows (yeah, me neither...) and those plug ins! Guys, You breathe it in, over and over and they are referred to as "free radicals." They do your cells harm! Your personal army of red/white corpuscles rush in to help fight them off and leaves your immune system vulnerable to health issues outside your home and body, like viruses, bacteria from coughing and sneezing people!



The number two cause of death in the United States is cancer. 1,622 people a day die of cancer, Ten thousand new cases among children are diagnosed per year. One to three cases are linked to poor diet, physical inactivity, weight or chemical exposure.

The American Cancer Society says only 5 to 10% of all cancer cases are from gene defects. That means 90 to 95% of all cancer cases are under our control. it's what we are allowing into our homes!


The National Institute of Occupational Safety & Health studied:

  • 2,983 ingredients in products
  • 884 of them had toxic ingredients
  • 314 of them cause biological mutations
  • 218 cause reproductive problems
  • 778 toxic to humans
  • 146 cause cancer tumors

and yet they are still allowed in the United States even though they are banned in other countries and in the world.

  • 176 caused skin & eye irritations

These type of chemicals are allowed in almost every type of cleaning products in the United States.

Even organic cleaners have known carcinogenics.

  • 26 SECONDS after exposure, the chemicals are found in measurable qualities in the human body.

Women typically put about 300 chemicals on her body before breakfast.

  • Shampoos
  • Body washes
  • make up
  • hair spray
  • perfumes all add to the teeny tiny particles floating in your home airspace.

Here are some common cleaning products to be aware of:

  • Bleach
  • Comet/ajax/soft scrub
  • Windex
  • Laundry detergent
  • Fabric Softener
  • Dryer sheets
  • Dish soap
  • Dishwasher soap
  • Furniture Polish
  • Mop N Glo type products
  • Liquid hand soap

What did I miss? I'm sure there are other products used that I'm not thinking of...oh yeah, some of the most harmful chemical laden products are:

  • Candles
  • Plug ins
  • Air Fresheners

Are you getting scared or nervous yet? I am and I know what to do about it. We'll go over that in a minute. First, lets see what independent research companies have to say:

  • what you are thinking...has registered thousands and thousands of products we use from cleaning supplies to make up. Not everything that is available is listed, but they have an impressive amount of products that are rated from 0 to 10, Ten being the most harmful. they are rated in three categories: Carcinogenicity, Development & Reproductive Toxicity and allergies & Immunotoxicities.
  • RED 10-8          Ingredients have serious long-term health impacts
  • GOLD 7-4         Ingredients have moderate long-term health impacts
  • GREEN 3-0       Does not contain any known controversial or harmful ingredients
  • GREY N/R         Ingredients have not yet been rated is FREE and is safe to download, you will not get any inappropriate Internet site.


Your Health Safe Alternatives


Check out the products before you buy. Scan them with your app at the store, do Internet research...become knowledgeable, we already know just because it doesn't contain "sugar" it still may contain more calories, than if it did, right? They just renamed it fructose this or that. Big businesses have become very creative in labeling their products and re-naming the ingredients.


Here is a product I have replaced all my cleaning supplies with:


I wash windows, counters, floors, clothes, dishes, furniture and I add baking soda to it to scrub bathtub,  shower and sinks. It is CHEAP, smells great and costs a fraction of the other products I use to use. Best of all? No toxins of any kind!

Thieves Household Cleaner is safe to use around children, pets and even safe on your skin.


DISCLOSURE: I am an independent distributor for Young Living Essential Oils. If you purchase products from me, I will make money.


We are Responsible for Our Own Health


This is a no-brainer! We must plan for our own: 

  1. Retirement Account
  2. Health Insurance
  3. Personal Health

My Dad passed away at 83 in a society when en live from 90 to 105. Mom passed away at 90. Both chose poor personal health options of smoking and (Dad) drank beer everyday of his adult life.

Both died with dementia. I am 68 years old and not ready to leave this place. I know I am driving Larry (the love of my life...) absolutely crazy replacing all the products he has used for years. I am still working on that...shhh don't tell him!!



Why am I telling you about this? Because I care about YOU! I am hoping that if you haven't already made changes, you will at least consider it. Your family and pets depend on you to take care of the to the best of your ability. Call me, Evelyn Johnston at 574-304-7148 today, ad we can change your life now, just as it changed mine.


Hey, you really can save money too! You can also make money on the business side of Young Living Essential Oils. We can talk if you would like to know how. HINT: potential for income far exceeds real estate commissions!


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Hannah Williams
HomeStarr Realty - Philadelphia, PA
Expertise NE Philadelphia & Bucks 215-820-3376

So nice to see you back Evelyn Johnston  you are one smart lady 

Mar 05, 2018 03:30 PM
Evelyn Johnston

Hi Hannah, it feels like I have been gone forever, and I remember saying I would never do that again...


Mar 05, 2018 07:34 PM
1~Judi Barrett
Idabel, OK

That is a whole barrel full of information to be digested!  Great post.

Mar 05, 2018 04:49 PM
Evelyn Johnston

Thank you Judi, it really is a lot to wrap your mind around. My aha moment was the hair dye and my brain is on the other side of the skull.  Too close.  Then when I learned what ever you put on your skin is in your blood stream in 27 seconds...wowzer.  What you smell is in your blood stream in 7 seconds.

Mar 05, 2018 07:36 PM
Tammy Lankford,
Lane Realty Eatonton, GA Lake Sinclair, Milledgeville, 706-485-9668 - Eatonton, GA
Broker GA Lake Sinclair/Eatonton/Milledgeville

I'm a doterra user. But I so agree that nature is better than chemical.  My mom in law is a licensed herbal healer and I've followed her advice about my health for nearly two decades now.  I'm very rarely sick.

Mar 05, 2018 06:50 PM
Evelyn Johnston

You are a smart woman Tammy and you learned it at a much earlier age than I did!


Mar 05, 2018 07:37 PM
Endre Barath, Jr.
Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices California Properties - Beverly Hills, CA
Realtor - Los Angeles Home Sales 310.486.1002

Evelyn, nice to see you back on the platform it has been a long while hope all is well with you and Larry. Now to your post great advice, easier said than done, Endre

Mar 05, 2018 11:30 PM
Evelyn Johnston

Hi Endre, it is good to be back. Things have been busy for us, a lot of changes, and really long Spring Selling market, which we are all thankful for and now Winter is almost over. Thanks for the warm welcome back!


Mar 06, 2018 07:06 PM
Lisa Von Domek
Lisa Von Domek Team - Dallas, TX
....Experience Isn't Expensive.... It's Priceless!

Hello Stranger - so nice to have another post from you...and such a timely one too!  I am bookmarking this one Evelyn Johnston so that I can review some of the great information you have provided.

Mar 06, 2018 01:45 PM
Evelyn Johnston

Ahhh Lisa! It feels right being back in the grove. I have missed it this past year or so and lost a lot of ground in the platform.

Mar 06, 2018 07:07 PM
Debra Leisek
Bay Realty,Inc Homer Alaska - Homer, AK

really good to see you back in the Rain! Hope you are Larry are doing well!

looking forward to more wonderful posts!!

Mar 07, 2018 11:59 PM
Tony and Suzanne Marriott, Associate Brokers
Serving the Greater Phoenix and Scottsdale Metropolitan Area - Scottsdale, AZ
Coldwell Banker Realty

Good to see you again Evelyn Johnston !

Mar 11, 2018 05:18 AM
Sybil Campbell
Fernandina Beach, FL
Referral Agent Amelia Island Florida

Thanks for the information Evelyn Johnston, I have heard a lot of good things about essential oils. 

Mar 15, 2018 06:28 PM
Robert Vegas Bob Swetz
Las Vegas, NV

Hello Evelyn, I hope all is well ...

Hope you had a wonderful Memorial Day 2018 and ...

I wrote a new post about reaching out to ActiveRain members that are following me at the AR network, your name showed up #134 on my list ;o)

May 29, 2018 08:09 AM
Lisa Von Domek
Lisa Von Domek Team - Dallas, TX
....Experience Isn't Expensive.... It's Priceless!

Hello Evelyn Johnston and Larry Johnston where are you two hiding?!!!

I hope that all is well.  Have a wonderful weekend!

Jun 16, 2018 09:08 AM
Inna Ivchenko
Barcode Properties - Encino, CA
Realtor® • GRI • HAFA • PSC • Short Sale • Probate

Dear Evelyn,

just wanted to stop by and  wish you wonderful holidays and Happy New Year! 

Dec 26, 2018 12:27 PM

Thanks for the information, nice post i really enjoy. read more related

Mar 18, 2019 06:23 AM
Laura Cerrano
Feng Shui Manhattan Long Island - Locust Valley, NY
Certified Feng Shui Expert, Speaker & Researcher

Both are equally important and both are wonderful assets for the community as a whole! :)

Jan 25, 2020 08:16 PM